Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your order.
Unfortunately, we can't change the shipping address once the order is placed. Please double-check your information before confirming your purchase.
To ensure short delivery times, we send parcels as quickly as possible. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that orders can be canceled or changed. If in doubt, please contact our support:
You can enter voucher codes in the order checkout.
All payments and credits are processed in the currency underlying the purchase. We accept the following payment methods:
- Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard)
- PayPal
- Klarna (Pay Now, Pay Later)
- Apple Pay & Google Pay
- Online Transfer (SOFORT)
Payment options may vary depending on the country.
Anything purchased online can be returned to our warehouse within 14 days. To return the item, please create a return mailing label at our return portal. This label must be placed in the package so that we can assign the return to your order.
The cost of return shipping for purchased items is the responsibility of the customer.
All products must be returned within 14 days of delivery.
The costs and risks associated with any return are the responsibility of the sender. Please ensure that you keep proof of deposit until the refund or exchange has been issued.
Please contact our customer service for further assistance with return or exchange:
If our quality department is satisfied that the returned item(s) meet(s) the condition for accepting a return, you will be credited with a refund within 10–15 days. The refund will be made using the original payment method. The refund does not include delivery costs.
Any Order paid by gift card, e-gift card or a store credit will be automatically refunded as a store credit.
The return address is:
LJH Group GbR
Obere Lagerstraße 17
82178 Puchheim
If you have received a defective item or the wrong item in your delivery, we will assist you in resolving this as quickly as possible. Please contact Send us photos and a description of the defect. Also send us your order number so that we can find your order.
We will get back to you as soon as possible and find a solution.
Yes, we do offer international shipping. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary based on your location.
Please contact Please send photos of the shipping carton.
We will then take care of your request immediately.
This means that your order is already packed and ready for shipment and has either not yet been picked up by the shipping service provider or the shipping service provider has not yet scanned the package. The status is usually updated within 1-2 days. If the status is not updated, please contact
Status updates can sometimes take 1-2 days. If the status does not update for more than 3 days, your parcel may have been lost by the shipping service provider. In such cases, we will make an inquiry to locate the parcel. The majority of parcels usually turn up again. Please contact